Requirements:- Android 4.0 and up
This application will let you change the SoftKeys / Navigation Buttons fast and easily. This app comes with more than 150+ different soft-buttons to choose from and more will be added with every update. If you got some navigation buttons you would like to see in this app just write an email about it. Until I've added them, you can just use the import feature for these soft keys. This application needs root and "BusyBox" to be installed. This app will NOT overwrite your applied themes, or enable the navigation buttons on devices without them.
Odexed ROM?: Some people are reporting small to bigger problems with odexed ROMs. Sometimes your choosen wallpaper can disappear.
WARNING: This app modifies system files and should only be used with a flashable backup of your current ROM on your device. The developer is not responsible for any damages.
This application will not work on some iterations of Samsung's TouchWiz, problems are know with the Note 2 running Jelly Bean. Probably also problems with MIUI.
What's in this version:
<b>SoftKeyZ will *not* enable on-screen navigation buttons on devices that use hardware buttons!</b>
Version 12:
-Raised max count of buttons in the library to 500
-You can now reassign buttons. (longpress menu) (Example: a menu button as a search button, functionality remains unchanged)
-Added MIUI navigation buttons (home, back, task, menu and down)
Version 11:
-Added support for the Sony Xperia Z and it's variants + all devices using xxhdpi-drawables.